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Tatashe are a variant of Bell pepper used in traditional Nigerian Stews, soup to give them that distinctive red color. They are rich in Vitamins and minerals

Come in 3 to 4 in a pack

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Tomatoes (Roma)


Tomatoes are usually red healthy fruit which is a family of berry plants. They can be eaten raw, used in salads, sandwiches, or can be used for stews and sauce. They come in different shapes and size

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Smoked Catfish


Enjoy this delicious Smoked Catfish, It is tasty, healthy and nutritious. This has been hygienically processed and free of sand and gut as well as no chemical preservatives

It goes well with your Stew, Soup, Vegetable Soup, and your choice of Dish, try it today you.


Stock Fish (Boned and Boneless)


Stockfish is dried Atlantic Codfish, usually used by several African cultures and other cultures to prepare several delicacies, it adds a superb flavor to any soup or stew.

We have the Bites(Boned, Boneless) and Steak stockfish in stock

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